

About Администратор

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So far Администратор has created 10 blog entries.

Batumi One Love

Today, I will be making a confession of love. Not to a person, but to an entire city. Yes, beautiful Batumi, to you. Thank you for sheltering me, warming me, treating me with wine, laying out your sunny streets before me, and simply for existing. An amazingly cozy city that truly reveals itself when you live in it permanently, not just visiting as a tourist. I will remember you for the rest of my days, dear. And also… I miss you very much. მე ვოცნებობ თქვენს დელფინებზე, რომლებიც მზის ჩასვლის სხივებში თამაშობენ.

Mikhail I. Bogdanov died on 10/19/2021. R.I.P., father mine…

Kamchatka 2020

The pandemy has closed the borders but breathed a new life into in-house tourism. While the plans to visit Sicily and Iceland were fated to fail, a nice journey to the harsh land of volcanos has happened. Here you can watch how it looks.

I would like to sincerely acknowledge the friends of mine – Kira and Kirill – who dragged me out for this remarkable trip. I am quite not sure that would have visited this pristine wilderness under alternative circumstances.

This is a blog-like chapter where I can publish diverse stuff covering any topics within the site, or even beyond them

The Nord Way 2019

A full-length movie on my journey to the polar regions of Norway

In August 2019, two remarkable things happened. First, I made a long-awaited car trip to the European North. Second, I bought a drone.
A combination of both things is right here. I know that the video is too long, of modest production quality, etc. But look at that nature 😉

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